
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Loving and Just

7 keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.” Exodus 34:7 NKJV

Todays reading was a good to read.  This passage talked about what God gives to His people and what He takes away.  I was thinking about calling this post He giventh and He takenth away but I think what I have lable it fits. 

This passage is talking about when Moses and The Lord were talking and the Lord had come to Moses for the second time and told him to chisle out two more tablets liket he ones he had done before.  This would be the Ten Commandments.  The Law.  He told Moses specifics to do before anything else was done.  Vs. 8-the end of the chapter. 

I like this passage because it gives us a picture of what God wants and how He wants it.  In my life I hear God but sometimes I either hear Him in the wrong way or I misunderstand what He is trying to say, or sometimes I hear Him and I still try to do it on my own terms.  God loves me so much that He only want the best for me and my life.  He has laid out certain ways He wants things to be done.  These are not to be done this way to hold me back but God has a greater plan for my life that I can't even see yet. 

So in that aspect God is loving and caring for me and others who call Him father.  But on the other hand if we get out of line or try to do our own thing then God is going to correct us no matter what that takes.  Our pastor was preaching on this subject this past Sunday.   He said that when one is turned over to Satan this doesn't mean that you are not saved or that God has disowned you.  He was talking about that God uses Satan sometimes, WITH RESTRAINTS, to accomplish His will.   Whether that be for rebuking, correcting, edifying, or even teaching.  The main ponit Im trying to say is that God is just and that is a fact.  Through His love He will correct us by being just and stern with us. 

Again God is loveing and God is just.  There is no denying that.  And I'm not saying that God allows Satan to do things to us because we are bad or because He wants Satan to get us.  I'm saying with God's power restraining Satan, He may allow for a season your life to be tested and tried and make you see that God is the most important thing that you need.  Take the book of Job for instance.  God allowed Satan to attack Jobs family, friends, land, and even himself.  BUT, with restraints God told Satan that he could not take Jobs life.  The bok of Job is a good book for me.  If you don't agree with anything that I have said read the book of Job and see what God is saying. 

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