II Chronicles 6:30, 36, "Then hear thou from heaven thy dwelling place, and forgive, and render unto every man according unto all his ways, whose heart thou knowest; (for thou only knowest the hearts of the children of men:)" "If they sin against thee, (for there is no man which sinneth not,) and thou be angry with them, and deliver them over before their enemies, and they carry them away captives unto a land far off or near;"
This morning, people are quick to find fault with others without realizing that they are guilty of the same. Others hear things that they believe apply to other people without understanding that they are in the same boat. This is the point of the Saviour in Matthew 7 about judgment. It is not that judgment, in and of itself, is wrong, but the Saviour cautions and exhorts us to make sure that we are not guilty of the same edict we condemn others with. This is why judges must have clean criminal records as they would be unfit to judge criminals when they are guilty of the same crimes. This is why churches need to maintain the honour and glory of God's house, else
they would be unable to judge the members within the walls when necessary.
The verses above are found in Solomon's prayer to the Lord at the dedication of the temple. In the midst of the prayer, Solomon "pauses" to insert two statements that show forth two all-encompassing thoughts for the object under consideration. These pauses are shown in the form of parenthetical statements, and parenthetical statements lend added clarity to the statement that brings further light as to what is being discussed. For example, certain words and concepts can mean different things in different contexts, and we, many times, insert a parentheses to show forth exactly what we mean. These parentheses can also aid us in pointing out that there may or may not be exceptions to the thought. Both of Solomon's thoughts show forth the case that no exceptions exist to what he is discussing. Therefore, let us examine those this morning to see where we are and what outlook we should pursue. As a point of reference, we will speak of the second one and back our way into the first one.
In verses 36-37, Solomon is beseeching the Lord to remember His people when they sin and repent to follow after Him once more. Should the people get any idea that they perchance are not included in what Solomon is saying, the parenthetical thought clearly states that there is no man which sinneth not. Not one is exempt from this thought, as we all fall prey to the cares of life, devices of Satan, and temptations of the flesh. I remember a circumstance in which a minister of the gospel fell victim to his own lusts and was turned out of the church for his behaviour and conduct. He is no longer recognized as a minister of the gospel, although I can attest from first-hand experience that he had a gift that is now profitless and destroyed. What I drew from that experience is that no one is exempt from falling to these sorts of destructions. One of the worst things we could say is, "Well that will never happen to me." We should say, "Lord willing, I
hope that I will never fall victim to such things, but still understand my own fallibility."
Solomon exempts no one in his statement. We understand the entire Adamic family is condemned in Adam. We understand that all of us are sinners by nature and reveal that nature with our practice after coming into this world. Yet, how many of us (myself included) get caught up in thinking we are above sin or some type of sin? Some have said, "Well, I have done things I shouldn't have, but I'll never steal or murder." We are susceptible to every sin in the world, and it behooves us to remember the words of Solomon that there is none that sinneth not. We cannot think that a certain sin will no longer plague us here, for its ugly head can rear up at any time.
Moving above into the other expression in verse 30, we read a humbling and yet comforting thought. The Lord is the only one that knows the hearts of the children of men. Certainly, we see indicators at times that summon our own ideas of the person's heart, but yet we still must bow in submission that He is the only One that truly knows and understands. Therefore, we should look at that statement in (I believe) three outlooks for us here. The first outlook is to not dwell upon who is and who is not a child of God. My own outlook on Lot and others in the Bible is not favourable at times when reading their circumstance, but I also understand that Lot was beloved of the Lord identically in relationship as all His other children. God knows, God sees, and God only understands the hearts.
The second outlook to take from this thought is that since God is the only one that knows and understands the hearts of the children of men, we should not think that we can hide and cover anything up. David surely thought that he had succeeded in hiding his sin with Bathsheba. The evidence that would incriminate him had been done away with, and the woman now lived with him as his wife. Yet, the Lord, understanding the matter perfectly, sent his prophet with the most disheartening words David could hear, "Thou art the man." David's shifting house of deception came crashing down with one fell blow from the mouth of the Lord's prophet. The Lord understood David's heart, saw his intentions, and was displeased with his conduct. None of us today are any different, as the Lord sees and understands us down to our very thoughts and intents of the heart. For, there is no creature that is not manifest unto Him, and all things are naked and opened unto His eyes. (Hebrews 4:12-13)
Therefore, it is rather amusing to hear people say when you walk up, "Well we better straighten up, the preacher's here." The preacher's presence matters not, for the Lord is always here, and His eye sees perfectly every time. David understood while penning the 139th Psalm that darkness or light matters not to the Lord's eye. He can pierce through all veils just as easily as He can pierce through nothing. So, if we try to say that we have no sin, have risen above any type of sin, or are not guilty of the same things we condemn, He knows better. The preacher may not know better, but the One that sees the hearts does.
Finally, the third outlook to draw from this is one that, I trust, will be of more comfort than the others. While there is comfort in knowing that nothing will ever take the Lord by surprise that He has not already known would happen, there is a measure of anxiety when we understand we have done things that displease Him. Yet, one of the most humbling and comforting thoughts to me is that He continues to love me, even knowing things about me others do not. Should the Lord's people know everything about me that I know, they would not want me preaching to them. Should they know everything about me that the Lord knows, they probably would not want my company. Yet, the Lord knows all about us, even things others do not see, and His love is as constant to us as it has ever been.
Even though none of us are without sin, either by omission or commission, He keeps us safe in the arms of His love. While our transgressions are met with the rod of chastening, His tenderness and compassion to His sheep will never be forsaken. Should our behaviour take us to the worst pitfalls the world has ever seen, our security in His Son will never be absented from us. Truly, that thought is one that deserves our most fervent admiration and adulation to and for Him. When our accuser stands before Him to say, "You cannot love that one for all the ways he has come short of the glory of God." Our Intercessor is there to say, "Father, that sin has been put away." And, when looking at us through Him, the Father declares us not guilty, righteous, holy, and without blame. May our thoughts dwell upon Him and His goodness.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Friday, February 22, 2013
24But be sure to fear the Lord and faithfully serve him. Think of all the wonderful things he has done for you. 1 Samuel 12:24
This was my reading for yesturday. I didn't have time to post even though I did do my study. I really enjoy reading His word on a daily basis. I know that is what we are suppose to do but it come a good "habbit" so to speak once you are committed to doing it. I don't like using that word because I don't want it to sound as if reading the bible and learning about God is a chore because it's not. It's a pure joy and I have mad it a priority in my life to take time to spend with the Lord and His word and I encourage all who read this to do the same.
Now that's said let's get on with the lesson for yesturday. Samuel reminded the people to take time to consider what great things God had done for them. Taking time for reflection allows us to focus our attention upon God's goodness and strengthens our faith. Sometimes we are so progress- and future-oriented that we fail to take time to recall all that God has already done. Remember what God has done for you so that you may continue your life accompanied with gratitude.
By remembering what God has done for you, in a sence, you may be able to help someone else go through the same type of situation. The advise that you give someone is very critical especially if you can let that person know how God help you through that situatuation. Also, by remembering what He has done for you it allows your faith to be stregthened.
God has blessed me in so me ways it's unbelievable. There have been so many times that my family has been in a finacial bind or we have needed a situation to change and God has provided. Either we would get an announomous check in the mail and or heart of people would be changed and God deserves all the Glory. I can't thank Him enough for the blessing that He has given me. It's been more than materialistic. It's more than physical. Spiritually, God has pierced my heart and has touched my inner soul with the many things that He has done in my life. My Godly wife, my beautiful kids, and my loving family are just a few. I thanks God everyday for what He has willingly given me. Praise be to God.
This was my reading for yesturday. I didn't have time to post even though I did do my study. I really enjoy reading His word on a daily basis. I know that is what we are suppose to do but it come a good "habbit" so to speak once you are committed to doing it. I don't like using that word because I don't want it to sound as if reading the bible and learning about God is a chore because it's not. It's a pure joy and I have mad it a priority in my life to take time to spend with the Lord and His word and I encourage all who read this to do the same.
Now that's said let's get on with the lesson for yesturday. Samuel reminded the people to take time to consider what great things God had done for them. Taking time for reflection allows us to focus our attention upon God's goodness and strengthens our faith. Sometimes we are so progress- and future-oriented that we fail to take time to recall all that God has already done. Remember what God has done for you so that you may continue your life accompanied with gratitude.
By remembering what God has done for you, in a sence, you may be able to help someone else go through the same type of situation. The advise that you give someone is very critical especially if you can let that person know how God help you through that situatuation. Also, by remembering what He has done for you it allows your faith to be stregthened.
God has blessed me in so me ways it's unbelievable. There have been so many times that my family has been in a finacial bind or we have needed a situation to change and God has provided. Either we would get an announomous check in the mail and or heart of people would be changed and God deserves all the Glory. I can't thank Him enough for the blessing that He has given me. It's been more than materialistic. It's more than physical. Spiritually, God has pierced my heart and has touched my inner soul with the many things that He has done in my life. My Godly wife, my beautiful kids, and my loving family are just a few. I thanks God everyday for what He has willingly given me. Praise be to God.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Follow through
11And she made this vow: “O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, if you will look upon my sorrow and answer my prayer and give me a son, then I will give him back to you. He will be yours for his entire lifetime, and as a sign that he has been dedicated to the Lord, his hair will never be cut.” (NKJV)
Be careful what you promise in prayer because God may take you up on it. Hannah so desperately wanted a child that she was willing to strike a bargain with God. God took her up on her promise, and to Hannah's credit, she did her part, even though it was painful. Although we are not in a position to barter with God, he may still choose to answer a prayer that has an attached promise. When you pray, ask yourself: "Will I follow through on any promises I make to God if he grants my request?" It is dishonest and dangerous to ignore a promise, especially to God. God keeps his promises, and he expects you to keep yours.
So many times we catch ourselves wanting things so badly that we will almost do anything to obtain them. Even if this is trying to make a bargan with God. Even if God does feel, in His infinite power, to grant us what we are asking for then we must follow through on what we said we were going to do. Now that being said, this is a dangerous way of praying in my opinion. And that's all this is is my opinion so take it for what it's worth. We shouldn't have to bargan with God. We should bring our prayers and concerns to Him in a manner of submission, love, and humility. If we contiue to ask God for something and that particular something is still weighing down upon our heart, then we must continue asking God for that very thing. God knows our wants and our desires before we even ask them. He just wants us to bring them before His throne and talk to Him and ask Him to take care of them. He wants that one on one relationship.
God answers requests in three ways, yes, no, and wait. I have found that in my life the answer that I get more often than not is wait. I 'll tell you the reason I think this is ths case for me. I think that in my life God is wanting me to bring more and more things before His throne each and every day. I try to do things on my own and then I come to God and say, "okGod bless what I'm trying to do, I'm doing it for you so I'm asking you to bless it." It doesn't work that way. We must seek Gods face first and His will before we can seek the hand of God. I am thankful that I am able to call Him my father, my Savior, and my friend. I am able to do so because He has come into my life and changed me and has saved me. Even though He has done all of that I still have to bring things before Him and communicate with Him on a daily basis and allow Him to work in my life.
Making promises to God is dangerous and I think that God granted Hannah her request because He saw her heart. That's where it all starts is the heart. I pray for my own life that people don't look at me and see what I am doing or what I am not doing but that they look at me and my life and see that God is using me and that He is still molding me and making me into what He wants me to be. Praise be to God.
Be careful what you promise in prayer because God may take you up on it. Hannah so desperately wanted a child that she was willing to strike a bargain with God. God took her up on her promise, and to Hannah's credit, she did her part, even though it was painful. Although we are not in a position to barter with God, he may still choose to answer a prayer that has an attached promise. When you pray, ask yourself: "Will I follow through on any promises I make to God if he grants my request?" It is dishonest and dangerous to ignore a promise, especially to God. God keeps his promises, and he expects you to keep yours.
So many times we catch ourselves wanting things so badly that we will almost do anything to obtain them. Even if this is trying to make a bargan with God. Even if God does feel, in His infinite power, to grant us what we are asking for then we must follow through on what we said we were going to do. Now that being said, this is a dangerous way of praying in my opinion. And that's all this is is my opinion so take it for what it's worth. We shouldn't have to bargan with God. We should bring our prayers and concerns to Him in a manner of submission, love, and humility. If we contiue to ask God for something and that particular something is still weighing down upon our heart, then we must continue asking God for that very thing. God knows our wants and our desires before we even ask them. He just wants us to bring them before His throne and talk to Him and ask Him to take care of them. He wants that one on one relationship.
God answers requests in three ways, yes, no, and wait. I have found that in my life the answer that I get more often than not is wait. I 'll tell you the reason I think this is ths case for me. I think that in my life God is wanting me to bring more and more things before His throne each and every day. I try to do things on my own and then I come to God and say, "okGod bless what I'm trying to do, I'm doing it for you so I'm asking you to bless it." It doesn't work that way. We must seek Gods face first and His will before we can seek the hand of God. I am thankful that I am able to call Him my father, my Savior, and my friend. I am able to do so because He has come into my life and changed me and has saved me. Even though He has done all of that I still have to bring things before Him and communicate with Him on a daily basis and allow Him to work in my life.
Making promises to God is dangerous and I think that God granted Hannah her request because He saw her heart. That's where it all starts is the heart. I pray for my own life that people don't look at me and see what I am doing or what I am not doing but that they look at me and my life and see that God is using me and that He is still molding me and making me into what He wants me to be. Praise be to God.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Idols in your life?
24So he said, “You have taken away my gods which I made, and the priest, and you have gone away. Now what more do I have? How can you say to me, ‘What ails you?’ ” Judges 18:24 (NKJV)
This is my reading for today. If you were just reading this you would probably wonder what either I or the scriptures were talking about. We have to look back at the full chapter to understand what it is this passage is saying.
Micah made idols and hired a priest to run his personal religion. When the men of Dan took his idols and priest, nothing remained. What an empty spiritual condition! An idol is anything that takes God's place in a person's life. Some people invest all their energy in pursuing money, success, possessions, or a career. If these idols are taken away, only an empty shell is left. The only way to protect yourself against such loss is to invest your life in the living God, whom you can never lose.
I can see that right now in my life. There are so many things trying to take my attention and mind set off of The Lord. I catch myself on a daily basis stopping and asking God to help me in this area. I want nothing more than to serve The Lord. I want people to be able to look back on my life and say that I served The Lord. Its very easy to allow things to become idols in your life if you are not carful. It starts with small things and then it turns to larger things. Next thing you know your life is consumed with other things besides God.
I find that the small things are the things that get me the most. Things like phones, gadgets, and even work. Either church work, as hard as that may seem, or my secular job becomes my idol. making sure everything is done and nothing is left to question I sometimes forget that God has given me both of my jobs and the ministry that I am in. He wants the glory and the honor and He wants to be first in my life. Everything else is a byproduct of serving Him and placing Him first in your life.
I don't want my life to be anything but an example of the testimony of The Lord Jesus Christ. I can only accomplish that by allowing Him to be first in my life and allowing nothing to take the place of God.
This is my reading for today. If you were just reading this you would probably wonder what either I or the scriptures were talking about. We have to look back at the full chapter to understand what it is this passage is saying.
Micah made idols and hired a priest to run his personal religion. When the men of Dan took his idols and priest, nothing remained. What an empty spiritual condition! An idol is anything that takes God's place in a person's life. Some people invest all their energy in pursuing money, success, possessions, or a career. If these idols are taken away, only an empty shell is left. The only way to protect yourself against such loss is to invest your life in the living God, whom you can never lose.
I can see that right now in my life. There are so many things trying to take my attention and mind set off of The Lord. I catch myself on a daily basis stopping and asking God to help me in this area. I want nothing more than to serve The Lord. I want people to be able to look back on my life and say that I served The Lord. Its very easy to allow things to become idols in your life if you are not carful. It starts with small things and then it turns to larger things. Next thing you know your life is consumed with other things besides God.
I find that the small things are the things that get me the most. Things like phones, gadgets, and even work. Either church work, as hard as that may seem, or my secular job becomes my idol. making sure everything is done and nothing is left to question I sometimes forget that God has given me both of my jobs and the ministry that I am in. He wants the glory and the honor and He wants to be first in my life. Everything else is a byproduct of serving Him and placing Him first in your life.
I don't want my life to be anything but an example of the testimony of The Lord Jesus Christ. I can only accomplish that by allowing Him to be first in my life and allowing nothing to take the place of God.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Choose right!
And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord , choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord .” (Joshua 24:15 NKJV)
This s a great passage. If you back up a little and read front the beginning of the chapter you will notice that Joshua is talking to all the tribes. He is talking to a lot of people. He's not just conversing with one or two, he is making his point to a multitude.
I like this passage because Joshua is telling them everything that God has done for the people. He is telling them how great and wonderful God is. In essence he is saying this is what my God has done for you now you chose what you want to do and go you want to serve. The what he says next is my favorite, but as for me and my house we will serve The Lord. That's awesome.
Our pastor just talked here recently about placing things in our lives that take the place of God. We call these things idols. We may not have big thing that take the place of God or golden Capra or anything but we could have small things. Things like our television time, workout routine, cell phones, video games, or even our selves. These we just a few things that if we are not careful can get in the way of The Lord and hinder our walk with him.
Joshua was saying I'm telling you what God has done in the past and he was also telling them that if they were not careful then they could very easily start worshiping other gods. He wanted to make it very clear to them that no matter what they chose, he and his family were going to serve God. No matter what.
I pray this for my life and my family. That no matter what anyone else does or says and no matter what new fad comes along that me and my family sick to what we know and stick to what is right and that is to serve The Lord no matter what. Easier said than done I know, but no matter what I am going to serve The Lord and follow his teachings and allow Him to lead my life and through Him leading my life I can lead my family according to His will
This s a great passage. If you back up a little and read front the beginning of the chapter you will notice that Joshua is talking to all the tribes. He is talking to a lot of people. He's not just conversing with one or two, he is making his point to a multitude.
I like this passage because Joshua is telling them everything that God has done for the people. He is telling them how great and wonderful God is. In essence he is saying this is what my God has done for you now you chose what you want to do and go you want to serve. The what he says next is my favorite, but as for me and my house we will serve The Lord. That's awesome.
Our pastor just talked here recently about placing things in our lives that take the place of God. We call these things idols. We may not have big thing that take the place of God or golden Capra or anything but we could have small things. Things like our television time, workout routine, cell phones, video games, or even our selves. These we just a few things that if we are not careful can get in the way of The Lord and hinder our walk with him.
Joshua was saying I'm telling you what God has done in the past and he was also telling them that if they were not careful then they could very easily start worshiping other gods. He wanted to make it very clear to them that no matter what they chose, he and his family were going to serve God. No matter what.
I pray this for my life and my family. That no matter what anyone else does or says and no matter what new fad comes along that me and my family sick to what we know and stick to what is right and that is to serve The Lord no matter what. Easier said than done I know, but no matter what I am going to serve The Lord and follow his teachings and allow Him to lead my life and through Him leading my life I can lead my family according to His will
Saturday, February 16, 2013
It's God's anyway
“You shall truly tithe all the increase of your grain that the field produces year by year. And you shall eat before the Lord your God, in the place where He chooses to make His name abide, the tithe of your grain and your new wine and your oil, of the firstborn of your herds and your flocks, that you may learn to fear the Lord your God always. (Deuteronomy 14:22, 23 NKJV)
Today's reading was hard to swallow. It was about tithing. For those of you who don't know what tithing is, this is giving a portion or a tenth of what you have earned or received back to God. This shows that you are trusting in Him to provide for you and you are just rightfully giving Him back what is clearly His to begin with. We are placed on this earth to be good Stewart's of what God gives us. This hit me because I struggle with lowing God to rule in this area of my life. I try to give Him what He deserves, what I know I should be giving Him but I look at all the physical things first. The real question is I should ask myself if do I really trust God.
The Bible makes the purpose of tithing very clear: It teaches us to fear the Lord and put him first in our lives. We are to give God the first and best of what we earn. For example, what we do first with our money shows what we value most. Giving the first part of our paycheck to God immediately focuses our attention on him. It also reminds us that all we have belongs to him. A habit of regular tithing can keep God at the top of our priority list and give us a proper perspective on everything else we have.
I want to give Him everything but I let this world get in the way and I start to tho about all of the bill that need to be paid and all of the things that need to be done with that money and I let Satan take over my mind in letting me think that there are to many things for me to take care of besides giving to The Lord. Satan doesn't want me to give to The Lord because when I or when we do that we are furthering His kingdom. My prayer is that I start to trust The Lord more and more in my finances and allow Him to take over my bills and worries. He WILL provide and He is faithful to do so. He always has been.
Today's reading was hard to swallow. It was about tithing. For those of you who don't know what tithing is, this is giving a portion or a tenth of what you have earned or received back to God. This shows that you are trusting in Him to provide for you and you are just rightfully giving Him back what is clearly His to begin with. We are placed on this earth to be good Stewart's of what God gives us. This hit me because I struggle with lowing God to rule in this area of my life. I try to give Him what He deserves, what I know I should be giving Him but I look at all the physical things first. The real question is I should ask myself if do I really trust God.
The Bible makes the purpose of tithing very clear: It teaches us to fear the Lord and put him first in our lives. We are to give God the first and best of what we earn. For example, what we do first with our money shows what we value most. Giving the first part of our paycheck to God immediately focuses our attention on him. It also reminds us that all we have belongs to him. A habit of regular tithing can keep God at the top of our priority list and give us a proper perspective on everything else we have.
I want to give Him everything but I let this world get in the way and I start to tho about all of the bill that need to be paid and all of the things that need to be done with that money and I let Satan take over my mind in letting me think that there are to many things for me to take care of besides giving to The Lord. Satan doesn't want me to give to The Lord because when I or when we do that we are furthering His kingdom. My prayer is that I start to trust The Lord more and more in my finances and allow Him to take over my bills and worries. He WILL provide and He is faithful to do so. He always has been.
Friday, February 15, 2013
“And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the Lord and His statutes which I command you today for your good? (Deuteronomy 10:12, 13 NKJV)
This is my reading for today. I like reading about the commands that God gives because they are so practical and yet sometimes the hardest thing to do. Even with that being said I know God can help me all the way.
With this passage this is what God was wanting Israel to do. Fear The Lord, walk in His ways, and love Him. These are just the first three. To fear The Lord is to know that God is in control and as John Piper says,
"The fear of the Lord is fear of fleeing out of his fellowship into the way of sin. Therefore the fear of the Lord is full of peace and security and hope. It keeps us near to the merciful heart of God, our fortress, our refuge, our sanctuary, our shield, our sun. Isaiah 8:13 says, "The Lord of Hosts, . . . let him be your fear, and let him be your dread, and he will become a sanctuary." A proper fear of the Lord keeps us under the shadow of his wings where we need not be afraid."
To walk in His ways is just that, to follow what He says and listen to His leading. Many people want to tie that into something. Yes it's sometimes hard to listen and understand what God is saying but the more and more you talk to Him and read His word He is going to reveal Himself to you and you will be as to understand Him better. Also to love Him is to give of yourself to Him and Bis service. Serving The Lord is the best be aide if you are called and you mean it then the love will come pouring out of you. But even if your not called to serve Him in a particular area you can still serve and be obedient to Him.
And with the rest of this passage, service and keeping His commandments, all of these things are because of one thing, devotion. Where does it lay. Being devoted to something is giving everything and holding back nothing for whatever that something or someone is. That's how we should be for The Lord. Giving our all because He gave His life for you and me.
This is my reading for today. I like reading about the commands that God gives because they are so practical and yet sometimes the hardest thing to do. Even with that being said I know God can help me all the way.
With this passage this is what God was wanting Israel to do. Fear The Lord, walk in His ways, and love Him. These are just the first three. To fear The Lord is to know that God is in control and as John Piper says,
"The fear of the Lord is fear of fleeing out of his fellowship into the way of sin. Therefore the fear of the Lord is full of peace and security and hope. It keeps us near to the merciful heart of God, our fortress, our refuge, our sanctuary, our shield, our sun. Isaiah 8:13 says, "The Lord of Hosts, . . . let him be your fear, and let him be your dread, and he will become a sanctuary." A proper fear of the Lord keeps us under the shadow of his wings where we need not be afraid."
To walk in His ways is just that, to follow what He says and listen to His leading. Many people want to tie that into something. Yes it's sometimes hard to listen and understand what God is saying but the more and more you talk to Him and read His word He is going to reveal Himself to you and you will be as to understand Him better. Also to love Him is to give of yourself to Him and Bis service. Serving The Lord is the best be aide if you are called and you mean it then the love will come pouring out of you. But even if your not called to serve Him in a particular area you can still serve and be obedient to Him.
And with the rest of this passage, service and keeping His commandments, all of these things are because of one thing, devotion. Where does it lay. Being devoted to something is giving everything and holding back nothing for whatever that something or someone is. That's how we should be for The Lord. Giving our all because He gave His life for you and me.
‘Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may be well with you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you. (Deuteronomy 5:16 NKJV)
This was my reading for yesterday. I read it but just didn't have time to write about it. This is probably one of the commandments I look at now at the age of 31 and wish I would have understood this more in my teenage years.
Now being a parent I understand all of those things my parents were talking about when I was living under their roof. Respect, honor, thinking of other, and common courtesy. These are things that my parents taught me and even at an early age didn't always follow but yet these qualities were instilled me. Now that I have kids I want to instill these same attributes in them now just by what I say but by my actions as well.
God was saying to do this not because He thought it was just a good idea, He was saying this because through honoring our parents we ultimately get to honor The Lord. How? By doing what He says. This is obedience. God gives you a promise as well, that your days will be long on this earth and that it may be well with you in the land that He gives you. What does that mean? That means that one your days will be long on the earth by doing this. Two I believe it mean that Gods grace and mercy will be with you wherever you are.
Even though I am older now and my parents are older in age, I still want to make sure that I am honoring them and following Gods direction. No matter what we will always have to look to Him for answers and God gives us this answer. How do we live a long life? Honor your father and mother!
This was my reading for yesterday. I read it but just didn't have time to write about it. This is probably one of the commandments I look at now at the age of 31 and wish I would have understood this more in my teenage years.
Now being a parent I understand all of those things my parents were talking about when I was living under their roof. Respect, honor, thinking of other, and common courtesy. These are things that my parents taught me and even at an early age didn't always follow but yet these qualities were instilled me. Now that I have kids I want to instill these same attributes in them now just by what I say but by my actions as well.
God was saying to do this not because He thought it was just a good idea, He was saying this because through honoring our parents we ultimately get to honor The Lord. How? By doing what He says. This is obedience. God gives you a promise as well, that your days will be long on this earth and that it may be well with you in the land that He gives you. What does that mean? That means that one your days will be long on the earth by doing this. Two I believe it mean that Gods grace and mercy will be with you wherever you are.
Even though I am older now and my parents are older in age, I still want to make sure that I am honoring them and following Gods direction. No matter what we will always have to look to Him for answers and God gives us this answer. How do we live a long life? Honor your father and mother!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Tenant or Owner! Which are you?
23“The land must never be sold on a permanent basis, for the land belongs to me. You are only foreigners and tenant farmers working for me." NKJV
Todays reading was strange at first. Then I had to go back and read exact what God was talking about. This was a longer chapter so in order to understand this one passage you would need to go back and read the entire chapter.
God was saying that the people would one day possess land in Canaan, but in God's plan, only God's ownership was absolute. He wanted his people to avoid greed and materialism. If you have the attitude that you are taking care of the Lord's property, you will make what you have more available to others. This is difficult to do if you have an attitude of ownership. Think of yourself as a manager of all that is under your care, not as an owner.
Everything that we are given in life comes from the Lord in the first place. The Lord can give as well as He can take away. We have to make sure that no matter what we are given in life we understand that the Lord is true owner of it and all we have the opportunity to do is to take care of it and make sure that He gets all the glory from whatever it is that we have.
Todays reading was strange at first. Then I had to go back and read exact what God was talking about. This was a longer chapter so in order to understand this one passage you would need to go back and read the entire chapter.
God was saying that the people would one day possess land in Canaan, but in God's plan, only God's ownership was absolute. He wanted his people to avoid greed and materialism. If you have the attitude that you are taking care of the Lord's property, you will make what you have more available to others. This is difficult to do if you have an attitude of ownership. Think of yourself as a manager of all that is under your care, not as an owner.
Everything that we are given in life comes from the Lord in the first place. The Lord can give as well as He can take away. We have to make sure that no matter what we are given in life we understand that the Lord is true owner of it and all we have the opportunity to do is to take care of it and make sure that He gets all the glory from whatever it is that we have.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Loving and Just
7 keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.” Exodus 34:7 NKJV
Todays reading was a good to read. This passage talked about what God gives to His people and what He takes away. I was thinking about calling this post He giventh and He takenth away but I think what I have lable it fits.
This passage is talking about when Moses and The Lord were talking and the Lord had come to Moses for the second time and told him to chisle out two more tablets liket he ones he had done before. This would be the Ten Commandments. The Law. He told Moses specifics to do before anything else was done. Vs. 8-the end of the chapter.
I like this passage because it gives us a picture of what God wants and how He wants it. In my life I hear God but sometimes I either hear Him in the wrong way or I misunderstand what He is trying to say, or sometimes I hear Him and I still try to do it on my own terms. God loves me so much that He only want the best for me and my life. He has laid out certain ways He wants things to be done. These are not to be done this way to hold me back but God has a greater plan for my life that I can't even see yet.
So in that aspect God is loving and caring for me and others who call Him father. But on the other hand if we get out of line or try to do our own thing then God is going to correct us no matter what that takes. Our pastor was preaching on this subject this past Sunday. He said that when one is turned over to Satan this doesn't mean that you are not saved or that God has disowned you. He was talking about that God uses Satan sometimes, WITH RESTRAINTS, to accomplish His will. Whether that be for rebuking, correcting, edifying, or even teaching. The main ponit Im trying to say is that God is just and that is a fact. Through His love He will correct us by being just and stern with us.
Again God is loveing and God is just. There is no denying that. And I'm not saying that God allows Satan to do things to us because we are bad or because He wants Satan to get us. I'm saying with God's power restraining Satan, He may allow for a season your life to be tested and tried and make you see that God is the most important thing that you need. Take the book of Job for instance. God allowed Satan to attack Jobs family, friends, land, and even himself. BUT, with restraints God told Satan that he could not take Jobs life. The bok of Job is a good book for me. If you don't agree with anything that I have said read the book of Job and see what God is saying.
Todays reading was a good to read. This passage talked about what God gives to His people and what He takes away. I was thinking about calling this post He giventh and He takenth away but I think what I have lable it fits.
This passage is talking about when Moses and The Lord were talking and the Lord had come to Moses for the second time and told him to chisle out two more tablets liket he ones he had done before. This would be the Ten Commandments. The Law. He told Moses specifics to do before anything else was done. Vs. 8-the end of the chapter.
I like this passage because it gives us a picture of what God wants and how He wants it. In my life I hear God but sometimes I either hear Him in the wrong way or I misunderstand what He is trying to say, or sometimes I hear Him and I still try to do it on my own terms. God loves me so much that He only want the best for me and my life. He has laid out certain ways He wants things to be done. These are not to be done this way to hold me back but God has a greater plan for my life that I can't even see yet.
So in that aspect God is loving and caring for me and others who call Him father. But on the other hand if we get out of line or try to do our own thing then God is going to correct us no matter what that takes. Our pastor was preaching on this subject this past Sunday. He said that when one is turned over to Satan this doesn't mean that you are not saved or that God has disowned you. He was talking about that God uses Satan sometimes, WITH RESTRAINTS, to accomplish His will. Whether that be for rebuking, correcting, edifying, or even teaching. The main ponit Im trying to say is that God is just and that is a fact. Through His love He will correct us by being just and stern with us.
Again God is loveing and God is just. There is no denying that. And I'm not saying that God allows Satan to do things to us because we are bad or because He wants Satan to get us. I'm saying with God's power restraining Satan, He may allow for a season your life to be tested and tried and make you see that God is the most important thing that you need. Take the book of Job for instance. God allowed Satan to attack Jobs family, friends, land, and even himself. BUT, with restraints God told Satan that he could not take Jobs life. The bok of Job is a good book for me. If you don't agree with anything that I have said read the book of Job and see what God is saying.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Today's lesson was hard. It dealt with making garments for Aaron.
Instruct all the skilled craftsmen whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom. Have them make garments for Aaron that will distinguish him as a priest set apart for my service. (Exodus 28:3 NLT)
I read and I guess I will have to read before this as well but I think God wants me to just listen to Him. I have been having so many thing consume my mind along with trying to serve The Lord that sometimes I forget to stop and listen. Stop and let Him lead. God speaks and when He does he can speak in m y different ways. I see Him speaking right now I our life right now as we are dealing with my wife being a stay at home mom. This is what she want sand this is what I want because it makes her happy. Through it all I have to stop and listen to Him and His leading.
Listening to Gods voice is sometimes very hard for people to do. Mat people, and I include myself most of the time, don't like the awkward silence. We think that we have to be the ones always talking. That's not true. God want us to communicate with Him on a daily basis but have you ever stopped and thought that He has things to say as well. It may be through a sunset, a clear night, or even through a rough patch in your life that He is speaking to you.
I want to listen to God more and more everyday. My prayer is that we would decrease and He would increase and that we would learn to open our hearts and not just our mouths. Lord, help me to stop and know that you are God. And that you want to speak to me as well. So help me to listen clearly to you.
Instruct all the skilled craftsmen whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom. Have them make garments for Aaron that will distinguish him as a priest set apart for my service. (Exodus 28:3 NLT)
I read and I guess I will have to read before this as well but I think God wants me to just listen to Him. I have been having so many thing consume my mind along with trying to serve The Lord that sometimes I forget to stop and listen. Stop and let Him lead. God speaks and when He does he can speak in m y different ways. I see Him speaking right now I our life right now as we are dealing with my wife being a stay at home mom. This is what she want sand this is what I want because it makes her happy. Through it all I have to stop and listen to Him and His leading.
Listening to Gods voice is sometimes very hard for people to do. Mat people, and I include myself most of the time, don't like the awkward silence. We think that we have to be the ones always talking. That's not true. God want us to communicate with Him on a daily basis but have you ever stopped and thought that He has things to say as well. It may be through a sunset, a clear night, or even through a rough patch in your life that He is speaking to you.
I want to listen to God more and more everyday. My prayer is that we would decrease and He would increase and that we would learn to open our hearts and not just our mouths. Lord, help me to stop and know that you are God. And that you want to speak to me as well. So help me to listen clearly to you.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Being a vessel
Then Moses said to the Lord , “O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” So the Lord said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I, the Lord ? Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say.” But he said, “O my Lord, please send by the hand of whomever else You may send.” (Exodus 4:10-13 NKJV)
This is today's bible study. I love this story and I love how God works out His plan no matter what. Moses and The Lord were talking. Now, I'm going to stop right there be wise that in itself is amazing. To have that one on one conversation with The Lord wild be awesome. I know we sleek to Him now through prayer but I think this was an actual one on one conversation. Man to Man. I may be wrong I'll have to study more about it and get back with you but that's what I think.
Back to today's lesson. Moses and The Lord were talking and Moses sAys to The Lord, "I can't speak, I don't have the right words to say, you can't use me." (Daniels paraphrased version, read it). The Lord tells Him I will give you the words to speak, I will be your mouthpiece. More or less The Lord was saying that He would take care of everything Moses just needed to be available to be used. Moses being the man that he was still said,"lord that's ok find send someone else". If you look further into the chapter it says that the Lords anger kindled up inside Him and that's when Looked to Aaron.
The Lord wants to use you. No matter what. God doesn't want to see anyone perish but that all men might be saved. He can use you in big ways and Be can use you in small ways. You just have to be willing to be used and be available to be used. Because just like Moses if you are unwilling to be used by God, He will accomplish His will or plan that He has without you and be may use someone else to do it. So be available to be used by God and willing to serve Him.
This is today's bible study. I love this story and I love how God works out His plan no matter what. Moses and The Lord were talking. Now, I'm going to stop right there be wise that in itself is amazing. To have that one on one conversation with The Lord wild be awesome. I know we sleek to Him now through prayer but I think this was an actual one on one conversation. Man to Man. I may be wrong I'll have to study more about it and get back with you but that's what I think.
Back to today's lesson. Moses and The Lord were talking and Moses sAys to The Lord, "I can't speak, I don't have the right words to say, you can't use me." (Daniels paraphrased version, read it). The Lord tells Him I will give you the words to speak, I will be your mouthpiece. More or less The Lord was saying that He would take care of everything Moses just needed to be available to be used. Moses being the man that he was still said,"lord that's ok find send someone else". If you look further into the chapter it says that the Lords anger kindled up inside Him and that's when Looked to Aaron.
The Lord wants to use you. No matter what. God doesn't want to see anyone perish but that all men might be saved. He can use you in big ways and Be can use you in small ways. You just have to be willing to be used and be available to be used. Because just like Moses if you are unwilling to be used by God, He will accomplish His will or plan that He has without you and be may use someone else to do it. So be available to be used by God and willing to serve Him.
Friday, February 8, 2013
His presence!
Today's reading was a random reading. It was about the Egyptians and the Israelites. How the more and more they oppressed them the more that God allowed them to multiply.
I read through this chapter and thought about it and I thought to myself no matter what happened to the children of Israel, God was there. No matter how much they were hurt, tormented, or beaten God was right there.
There are many places in the bible that talks about God delivering His people. This gave me encouragement. I was thinking throughout everything that me, my wife, and my family has been through whether good or bad, god had been there. His presence is always there. He want us to be there with Him. I count it a blessing and a private to come onto the presence of Gd.
Be is worthy of praise and honor and adoration and I pray that every time I enter into His presence that I am able to give Him all of that and more.
Today was a long day. Working so early in the morning and then staying up all day is weary on the body. I wanted to give God my all and I had to stop and ask myself if I was able to do that today. Amongst all the business of the day and the gatherings and the play time with the kids( what little that was I'm sorry to say), I hope and pray that something that was done today gave glory to God.
Lord, I ask that I would always be in a mind set of being in your presence. Just like the children of Israel did, when things got rough you multiplied them. I ask that when things get rough in my life you would multiply my strength, my integrity, my loyalty, and my devotion to you. Help me to always seek you face and your guidance in everything that I do.
I read through this chapter and thought about it and I thought to myself no matter what happened to the children of Israel, God was there. No matter how much they were hurt, tormented, or beaten God was right there.
There are many places in the bible that talks about God delivering His people. This gave me encouragement. I was thinking throughout everything that me, my wife, and my family has been through whether good or bad, god had been there. His presence is always there. He want us to be there with Him. I count it a blessing and a private to come onto the presence of Gd.
Be is worthy of praise and honor and adoration and I pray that every time I enter into His presence that I am able to give Him all of that and more.
Today was a long day. Working so early in the morning and then staying up all day is weary on the body. I wanted to give God my all and I had to stop and ask myself if I was able to do that today. Amongst all the business of the day and the gatherings and the play time with the kids( what little that was I'm sorry to say), I hope and pray that something that was done today gave glory to God.
Lord, I ask that I would always be in a mind set of being in your presence. Just like the children of Israel did, when things got rough you multiplied them. I ask that when things get rough in my life you would multiply my strength, my integrity, my loyalty, and my devotion to you. Help me to always seek you face and your guidance in everything that I do.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Is anything too hard for the Lord ? At the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.” (Genesis 18:14 NKJV)
Good lesson today. To look back a little, this is talking about Abraham and Sarah and The Lord blessing them with a son. Reading back in the scriptures it says that travelers came upon Abraham and he saw them and ran to them. He said Lord stay here and let me serve you. (Daniel's paraphrased version, read the actual scripture). It also says that The Lord told Abraham that he was going to have a son and Sarah, his wife, over heard and laughed and said she was to old to have a son.
I think this is awesome because The Lord new that Sarah laughed and said she was old. He knew before she even thought it. Sarah was thinking physically and bodily. She wasn't thinking supernaturally. God is a BIG God. He can do what ever He wants and when ever He want. When He says something we have to take it for exactly what it's worth.
We also have to remember who is speaking. God is speaking. Hebrews 11:1 says,"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1 NKJV)" this tells me that we have something greater to have hope in and through the evidence that He provides we can have faith in Him.
I look at it in a simple way, you breath air, you can see air, but its there. You have to have it to live and breathe. Same thing with Christ, He is there, everywhere, and you have to have Him to live, eternally.
Good lesson today. To look back a little, this is talking about Abraham and Sarah and The Lord blessing them with a son. Reading back in the scriptures it says that travelers came upon Abraham and he saw them and ran to them. He said Lord stay here and let me serve you. (Daniel's paraphrased version, read the actual scripture). It also says that The Lord told Abraham that he was going to have a son and Sarah, his wife, over heard and laughed and said she was to old to have a son.
I think this is awesome because The Lord new that Sarah laughed and said she was old. He knew before she even thought it. Sarah was thinking physically and bodily. She wasn't thinking supernaturally. God is a BIG God. He can do what ever He wants and when ever He want. When He says something we have to take it for exactly what it's worth.
We also have to remember who is speaking. God is speaking. Hebrews 11:1 says,"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1 NKJV)" this tells me that we have something greater to have hope in and through the evidence that He provides we can have faith in Him.
I look at it in a simple way, you breath air, you can see air, but its there. You have to have it to live and breathe. Same thing with Christ, He is there, everywhere, and you have to have Him to live, eternally.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
And he believed in the Lord , and He accounted it to him for righteousness. (Genesis 15:6 NKJV)
Today's reading. At first if you just look a this verse and read it you might not understand it. You might have questions like who, why, what's going on? But if we take a min to back up and look at the previous verses we can see exactly how trusting in God is exactly what this verse is talking about.
These are the verses before verse 6.
After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” But Abram said, “Lord God , what will You give me, seeing I go childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?” Then Abram said, “Look, You have given me no offspring; indeed one born in my house is my heir!” And behold, the word of the Lord came to him, saying, “This one shall not be your heir, but one who will come from your own body shall be your heir.” Then He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be.” (Genesis 15:1-5 NKJV)
This is talking about Abram (Abraham before God changed his name). God was telling him that He is his great reward. Abram then started asking how. He was giving excuses saying that He didn't have an heir and the one that is there is not his. God promises that his heirs will be innumerable.
Many times times I do this in my life. God places something in my life temporarily and I can't wait or don't wait for Him to finish blessing me. I ofte. Ask myself,"God is this it, is this all that you have blessed me with?" What I don't realize is that regardless if what God has given me its a blessing nonetheless. I just have to place all my trust in Him and that He is going to do everything that He promises. I know His word says He will and will fully trust Him no matter what. Lord, help me trust you in all life's situations. Through the good, the bad, and the worst. Help lean on Jesus name.
Today's reading. At first if you just look a this verse and read it you might not understand it. You might have questions like who, why, what's going on? But if we take a min to back up and look at the previous verses we can see exactly how trusting in God is exactly what this verse is talking about.
These are the verses before verse 6.
After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” But Abram said, “Lord God , what will You give me, seeing I go childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?” Then Abram said, “Look, You have given me no offspring; indeed one born in my house is my heir!” And behold, the word of the Lord came to him, saying, “This one shall not be your heir, but one who will come from your own body shall be your heir.” Then He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be.” (Genesis 15:1-5 NKJV)
This is talking about Abram (Abraham before God changed his name). God was telling him that He is his great reward. Abram then started asking how. He was giving excuses saying that He didn't have an heir and the one that is there is not his. God promises that his heirs will be innumerable.
Many times times I do this in my life. God places something in my life temporarily and I can't wait or don't wait for Him to finish blessing me. I ofte. Ask myself,"God is this it, is this all that you have blessed me with?" What I don't realize is that regardless if what God has given me its a blessing nonetheless. I just have to place all my trust in Him and that He is going to do everything that He promises. I know His word says He will and will fully trust Him no matter what. Lord, help me trust you in all life's situations. Through the good, the bad, and the worst. Help lean on Jesus name.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God. (Genesis 6:9 NKJV)
This was my reading for today. I am so thankful that we have this account in the bible. This give me hope and reassurance that I CAN walk close to God and I CAN be considered a just person. God wants all of His children to walk close with Him. He wants us all to know Him as intimately as possibly.
I think that it's amazing that this scripture clearly states that Noah WALKED with God. "Noah walked with God" should be taken in that Noah walked a path in life that respected and honored God. Such a closeness that could not be separated.
I pray that my walk and my closeness with God is looked upon in this same manner. That when all is said and done people can look back on my life and say, he walked with God.
This was my reading for today. I am so thankful that we have this account in the bible. This give me hope and reassurance that I CAN walk close to God and I CAN be considered a just person. God wants all of His children to walk close with Him. He wants us all to know Him as intimately as possibly.
I think that it's amazing that this scripture clearly states that Noah WALKED with God. "Noah walked with God" should be taken in that Noah walked a path in life that respected and honored God. Such a closeness that could not be separated.
I pray that my walk and my closeness with God is looked upon in this same manner. That when all is said and done people can look back on my life and say, he walked with God.
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