
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Gods Plans

Well, I think I have done it again.  I think that I have let my ideas, goals, and plans get in the way of what God has planned.  I want so many things, not just for me, but for my wife and my kids.  I want them to have things better than I did.  I think this is the cry of every parent.  

Now being on one income in the family is hard.  I see what needs to be taken care of in terms of bills and expenses and I think, Lord how can I do this.  But I realize that in that moment that's where I go wrong.  I try to do everything in my own power and in my own way.  Sometimes I forget that God is there wanting to bless me and take care of these thing but I just get in the way.  

Today's reading was great because it spoke to what I needed to hear for the past month.  I have said before that it is hard not being in a church serving Him in the way that I want.  But the more and more I think about it, God can use me no matter where I am I just have to put away the pride and allow Him to use me.  I do want to serve in a church again but it has to be in His timing.  I do want to lead worship with my wife by my side, but it has to be in His timing not mine.  

Psalm 138:8 (NKJV)
8 The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.

The ESV states it like this: 

8 The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.

Every person dreams and makes plans for the future. Then they work hard to see those dreams and plans come true. But to make the most of life, we must include God's plan in our plans. He alone knows what is best for us; he alone can fulfill his purpose for us. As you make plans and dream dreams, talk with God about them.

God knows my inner most being and He knows that I want to serve Him.  Now only in His timing will that occur.  I want my wife and kids to be happy and stand along side me and work with me as we serve Him together, but that will only take place when God allows.  My prayer is that I would seek His face and His will before I make a move.  Praise be to God!

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