
Friday, June 21, 2013

True stars

Today is a day of anticipation and yet a day of waiting upon The Lord.  There are so many thing that are happening in my life at this point in time that are overwhelming but great at the same time. God has His hand over all of that no matter what I try to DO. What I have to learn is to rely on that more and more everyday and grow within Him through that reliance.  

With new opportunities comes new responsibilities.  The responsibility of spreading the Gospel is the most important, in my opinion.  I pray that through Gods leading I can accomplish everything that He asks of me. I think about Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  God is going to be with me and give me the courage and strength to whatever is needed to accomplish His will.  

I read in Daniel 12:3 that "Those who are wise shall shine Like the brightness of the firmament, And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever.Many people try to be stars in the world of entertainment, only to find their stardom temporary. God tells us how we can be eternal "stars"-by being wise and leading many to God's righteousness. If we share our Lord with others, we can be true stars-radiantly beautiful in God's sight!

This path that God has me and my family on I pray is a path that continues to glorify Him. Preaching and teaching His word is one thing but living it is another. I hope that my life is an example to other of what The Lord Jesus Christ has done for me. Living it out and striving to please Him and not man is what we are here to do. Praise be to God!  

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